Water/Tanks Equipment
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Water Equipment
I use these on everything EXCEPT on connection to the spigot and connection to RV.
Blue Water Filter, better than nothing but if you have an on-board filter, you can skip this one.
Some will not drink water from campgrounds or out of their fresh water tank.
I do but last filter I run it through is a Zero Water Filter, good enough for me and the dog.
If you purchase this one I highly recommend you put a clamp where the grey tube meets the black part, otherwise you risk it popping off and ending up in your water heater tank.
Tanks Equipment
Used usually for flushing black tank devices to prevent black tank water reversing into the hose you are using to flush and possibly contaminating spigot you are using.
You will want to use this to help keep the rubber ring in the toilet in good shape.
I’ve like this, it is relatively brand new. I am seeing NO SOLID poop when dumping, it is liquifying it.
You will want this if you have a macerator pump and want to connect to sewer connection at a FHU campsite.
You will want this to keep your sewer hose attached to dump port at some campsites.
You will want something like this to flush black tank if you don’t have a black tank flush system built-in.